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Russia Activates Over-the-Horizon Radar Systems in Combat Mode: What Does It Mean?

Russia Activates Over-the-Horizon Radar Systems in Combat Mode

The Russian Armed Forces have activated their over-the-horizon radar systems (OTH-R) in combat mode, sparking interest and questions among analysts and experts. These radar systems are a crucial component of the country's early warning system, allowing detection of airborne and maritime targets at vast distances, even beyond the line of sight.

The OTH-R works by reflecting radio waves off the ionosphere, enabling it to "see" beyond the horizon, effectively extending its operational range to thousands of kilometers. These systems can track missiles, aircraft, and even large ships long before they approach the country's borders.

Why Is This Important?

The activation of OTH radar systems in combat mode may indicate an increased state of readiness in response to potential threats. This could be linked to deteriorating international conditions or military exercises aimed at testing and enhancing defense capabilities.

However, despite the seriousness of this move, it does not necessarily signal preparation for a nuclear conflict. Such actions could be part of a show of force or a response to actions by other nations, aimed at ensuring security.

How Do Over-the-Horizon Radars Work, and Can They Be Intercepted?

OTH radar systems operate in the longwave frequency range, characterized by the ability of radio waves to reflect off the ionosphere. This allows the radar to "see" beyond the horizon, making it an invaluable tool for early threat detection.

As for the possibility of "listening in" on these radars, it is a challenging task. Firstly, the signal they use is often highly directional and intended for reception at specific points, limiting the chances of interception. Secondly, even with specialized equipment, extracting useful information from such signals without proper decryption is extremely difficult.

However, amateur radio enthusiasts sometimes manage to pick up OTH radar signals on certain frequencies, usually in the shortwave band. These signals often appear as a characteristic "knocking" or "buzzing" noise, making them noticeable among other radio transmissions. Yet, even if such signals are detected, their content remains inaccessible without specialized knowledge and equipment.


The activation of over-the-horizon radar systems in combat mode is a serious signal, underscoring the importance of a nation's readiness for any threats. It also serves as a reminder that modern technology plays a key role in ensuring national security.

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