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YouTube Music Introduces Live Lyrics Feature for Android and iOS Users

YouTube Music introduces live lyrics feature for Android and iOS users, enhancing the music streaming experience with real-time song lyrics.
YouTube Music Introduces Live Lyrics Feature for Android and iOS Users

YouTube Music is committed to enhancing the listening experience for its users. The popular music streaming app is now rolling out live lyrics to its vast user base on both Android and iOS platforms. This move brings a feature similar to the live lyrics already available on Spotify when users play songs. The introduction of live lyrics on YouTube Music was initially observed in April, and it has now been widely deployed to users. However, it's important to note that not all songs will have access to this live lyrics feature at this time.

According to a report from 9to5Google, YouTube Music is progressively releasing the live lyrics feature to its Android and iOS app users. With this addition, the line currently playing within the lyrics will be highlighted in white, while the remaining lyrics will be displayed in a subtle gray.

Accessing live lyrics on YouTube Music is a straightforward process. Users can play any song with attached lyrics and navigate to the Lyrics tab within the Now Playing screen. The report specifies that the rollout of live lyrics is included in YouTube Music version 6.15 for Android and version 6.16 for iOS. If users encounter any difficulties in accessing live lyrics, they can attempt to resolve the issue by force-closing the app from the Recents screen.

However, it's important to highlight that the availability of the live lyrics feature is limited to certain songs as of now. Users seeking to enjoy live lyrics for their favorite tracks may need to exercise patience if the feature is not yet accessible.

The live lyrics functionality was initially discovered in April of this year. An earlier report noted that this feature significantly enlarges the text size and spacing compared to the static lyrics previously available on YouTube Music.

As a point of reference, Spotify introduced live lyrics in June 2020, which was later expanded to additional markets by November 2021. This recent development from YouTube Music demonstrates a dedication to providing an enhanced and interactive music listening experience for its users.

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